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As I said already, I am currently a third year student at the University of Salford, studying TV and Radio Production. However, this obviously does not describe much about me.



I have been interested in the media from a very early age. Despite warnings from family and friends, I have wanted to have a career involving the world of TV or Film for some years now. I have been especially interested in the behind the scenes aspect of media, and all the hard work, dedication and time that is poured into each and every production that is aired or put up on the silver screen. The past couple of years have been the most important years of my life in this aspect- getting onto a great course at an amazing university, regularly being in and around the working parts of the industry and getting hands on in student films, work experience and personal content creation have all been incredible- and I hope that this is just the beginning.

The closest I have come to proper industry experience was my two periods of work experience at Limehouse TV in 2017 and 2018, in which both times I was able to work with a professional team at a production company. The outcome was two films that I was able to shoot and edit in an industry-standard editing suite. It was an exciting experience, and I loved the aspect of witnessing a smaller team working together, being that it was a smaller, local-to-me production company. My first film, a short interview segment about Alzheimer's, is a product I am still very proud of.



My favourite way of producing and releasing content has always been YouTube. Obviously, a personal YouTube channel is very different to a professional one (and even more so from a production company), but even when I first started YouTube over 10 years ago I was infatuated with making content, no matter how bad it looks today in retrospect.


Nowadays, my main focus is my Jackoh Motors YouTube channel. I've always had a passion for movie making, and an equally strong passion for cars, so I decided to bring the two together. I've been working on the channel professionally for over 3 years now. Even though it did start as merely a hobby, it has become more useful than I ever could imagine- for example, the addition of it on my portfolio helped secure me a place on my aforementioned university course!


The channel is also a great look into my love of documentary making. While I have a passion for all forms of media production for the TV, something about documentaries and infographic-based visuals have always attracted me.


However, one thing I am very much wanting to do now is push myself out of my usual comfort zone- while I am very proud of what I have produced so far, my next step is getting myself into the industry at large and getting my work out there.


I am infintely passionate about filmmaking and I cannot wait to see what is coming next for me!

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