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My Greatest Passion


Editing has been something that has intrigued me for many years, and I have been able to work on some really fun and rewarding projects over the years. YouTube has always been an amazing platform for me to experiment and expand my movie making skills and was a MASSIVE component in getting me an unconditional offer on the university course, which I have just completed- I am very grateful. I have also edited a number of short films and documentaries, which is a part of my work I hope is just getting started!

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Man and Motor - Documentary

My final university film that I had full creative control over- directing, producing, and editing. This is a project I will be forever proud of, a film about exploring the stereotypes of car collectors and the people in the nation-wide community.

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Flat Out - Series

A history series about the world of rally I worked on consistently for over 3 years, with the finished series being 14 episodes in length. One of my biggest projects to date.

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Life After Ike - Short Documentary

Using documentary footage provided, I put together this short documentary, with the aim of using the resources themselves in conjuction with my own additions to create an emotional and informative piece.

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1995 WRC - Full Documentary

A full YouTube  documentary I completed in which I wanted to pull out all of the stops for with my then current set of skills and experience.

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Who Do We Turn To? - Short Film

A short film I helped film and edit for our university's film jam, with the given theme of trust. We went down the path of exploring the little trust we can have in our government in relation to their action against climate change.

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Group S - Most Viewed Video

A video that has gone on to be viewed over 100K times- not a lot for many people, but for me this marks a huge milestone in my work.

To see all videos available on my YouTube channel, click here.


Other Work

Graphic Design

One of my self-taught skills, graphic design, largely the art of creating YouTube thumbnails, is something I greatly enjoy- something about image manipulation just strikes the right cord with me.

Digital Art

While just a hobby, I've always enjoyed creating and distributing digital art. Of course, this has gone a long way in broadening my creative flair, as well as eyeing up a good shot and designing something that's pleasant to look at.

3D Modelling 

I originally started to learn 3D modelling as a creative endeavour for my YouTube channel, but since learning the basics it has become a passion of mine- I'm still an amateur, but its great to start somewhere, right?

Click here to view a showcase of my car models


I have recently gotten back into photography using my DSLR. I've found the skills I've picked up with camera setup, shot composition and attention to lighting has really pushed my photography above what it used to be, and has even spilled over into improving my eye for detail in video production too.

Social Media

I have also attempted to expand my brand across to different social media sites- primarily, Instagram and Tiktok. However, while I initially used these ventures solely as a supplement and advertisement to my YouTube channel, I've come to realise that there is much more potential to be found, and that each one requires their own special approach.

An example of this is my Instagram page. While initially I would simply reupload clips from my YouTube channel as a way of promoting said videos, I have reworked it into something it can call it's own.

Click here to view my Instagram page.

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